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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

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TALES OF A BROKEN HEART- The Good Bad Girl - Episode 1

It was the year 2013, two years after my graduation and I felt that it was time to change my lifestyle. I just had another break up and left the girl crying all day and night because of what i had done to her. I felt guilty for what I had done and I told myself that I was gonna change my ways and become a good man.

One day, i was chatting on whatsapp with a female friend of mine when she put a pic of a very beautiful girl on her display picture. I wasted no time in asking her who the girl was and she told me that she was her friend. I quickly asked for her number but my friend pleaded with me not to mention that i got the number from her.

I had to come up with an idea on how to talk to this girl so i finally came up with the perfect idea. I sent her a recharge card as if it was a mistake and then she called me back to say thanks. That was how we became friends.

What was i supposed to think?. She was a freshman in the university and i thought she was naive.She told me that i was her first boyfriend and that she has never had sex before. Her elder sister became friends with me and always preached about how holy her kid sister was..But i never knew that i was being scammed.. See what happens next in episode 2.


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