- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf EXPOSED - How Olamide's rough life affected Lil Kesh's career negatively ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Thursday 12 May 2016

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EXPOSED - How Olamide's rough life affected Lil Kesh's career negatively


Lets go back to when Kesh just started his music career. Do you remember his first hit? "LYRICAL". If you take your time to listen to that song, you will realize that he settled down to master the rhymes and write the lyrics. But after this song, all we have gotten from him is violent songs. You may be
one of the people that think that Kesh deserved the Headies Award, well i can quite understand the angle you are thinking from.

You should know that music is more than its hit and the number of time its played in the club. What about the lyrical content of the song?. What message is the song passing around. I will not dwell on the headies issue but go back to the topic of the day.

Was Olamide's rant at the headies necessary?

The answer is NO. You already have a successful career, so why did you climb that stage to portray a bad image of Kesh whom you know is just coming up in his musical career. After Olamide's behavior at the headies, everybody is forced to see the full YBNL crew as touts with an exception to Adekunle Gold who is everybody's sweetheart.

I took time to listen to Kesh's album and all the tracks sounded like he was going to war. That is the bad influence his boss has put on him. He clearly does not believe in the lyrics of a song but believes in flowing to the beat.


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