- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf JULIUS AGWU FINALLY OPENS UP ABOUT HIS SUDDEN FRAGILE AND SKINNY LOOK ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Saturday 14 May 2016

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Julius agwu finally opens up on the circumstances behind his weight loss
     Sometimes in 2015 the popular comedian, Julius agwu drastically lost weight and this weight loss drew a lot of attentions from fans and fellow entertainers in the Nigeria entertainment industry. Some
fans even took to social network to ask the popular comedian for explanations on his weight loss, this didn’t go down well with the comedian who in response insulted most of the fans.

Recently in an interview with an international magazine, he was asked the same question again and this time he finally opened up on the issue. The comedian first of all expressed his disappointment in his fans that were not faithful enough as true fan, because they didn’t even take time to ask him in a healthy manner, and that was why he was very pissed. He further tendered apologies through the media to the fans he must have hurt through his response.

The real reason according to him, he said he can’t specifically point out when and how it started but all he could recall was that at some point he was losing weight seriously. So he went around looking for both medical and spiritual solutions, but somewhere along the line he had a seizure and loss of breathe in his house and was rush to the hospital in Lekki where he was stabilized and rushed to the united states for further treatment. And that was where it was discovered that he suffered paralysis because of brain issues.


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