- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf EXPOSED - WHY REEKADO BANKS WILL LEAVE MAVIN SOON ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Thursday 12 May 2016

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While you reading this article, you are obviously  asking yourself this question.

how possible is this?

Let me answer by explaining everything to you. Don jazzy is a manager that exploits his artistes. I will explain this to you in another article. Even though Reekado was discovered by Don Jazzy, he might not be pleased with the terms of his contract anytime soon. Don Jazzy does not allow his artistes to upload their songs on their personal social media platforms like youtube. He does this through his own channel which gives him more attention while the main artiste that did the work gain less attention.

Don Jazzy calls them his kids and uses that as a yardstick to exploit them. The revenue that other artistes in lesser labels get is more than what these young stars get but they are being deceived with the idea that they are a family.

Reekado is definitely going to leave Mavin if his album does not meet his expectation.


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