- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf (2ND PART) I THOUGHT THAT COMMITING SUICIDE WAS THE ONLY WAY OUT FOR ME, UNTIL I (The story of a UNIBEN genius) ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Monday, 16 May 2016

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We became very good friends and grew closer every day. We practically sit together in 500lt in every lecture that even all my friends would unconsciously keep sit for me and Debbie daily.                                                                  During our first semester holiday
we all travelled home and that was when I lost my dad who fell sick ad was in the hospital for close to 2 weeks, the death of my dad got me very devastated. During this trying process I discovered what true love was. Debbie would called me daily for almost accumulated time of 4 hours daily that even my mum was  now aware that I have a girl in my life. I told one of my friend yemi about her and after listening to my story he told me that I was in love that I should ask Debbie out.
I resumed that second semester late because of the death of my father. And I was received back with love by Debbie, she brought me up speed on the things that has happened while I was away from from school. One night I went to read at twin LT which was our usual reading spot to read only for me to get there and Debbie was not there so I called her phone to know what was happening only for her friend Jennifer to pick up the call and told me that Debbie was with them in law that she was not feeling fine. Jenny told me to rush down quickly to accompany them rush Debbie to the school health Centre, so I rushed down to law immediately only for me to discover that they were just playing pranks on me. Debbie was ok, but her friends only wanted to see me and to know if I love Debbie the way she love me through my response to the prank.
Winning Debbie over was easy because the chemistry was already strong and her friends have already given their approval about me. Our love was strong and enviable. We were the type that knew the exact time to read, the time to go out, and even the time to sit down in love gutter at night with other lovers.
By 200level my uncle returned from Cyprus and told my mum to inform me that I was going to Cyprus with him to study, meaning I had to quit uniben for the journey to Cyprus. I related the issue with Debbie and he gave me more than enough reasons why I should stay back in uniben. After deep thought I finally decided to stay back because I was enjoying my school and my relationship. So my uncle ended up taking my younger brother with him to Cyprus.
My happy life faded away when Debbie represented uniben in a game in Germany. Oh, I didn’t mentioned she was an athlete too. A very good one, she performed well at the competition so she was given a scholarship to study in Germany. I was not aware of this scholarship but she only told me about the other prices we received. Latter on she told me she was travelling home to help her sick mom with some domestic works so she was out of school for some time. By the time she came back to school everything was still great, we spent many weekends together and the sex was great too.
During our 300level first semester break I received a call from an international call and guess what it was from Germany and the caller was Debbie. She called to tell me that we won’t be seeing each other for a very long time that she was in Germany, she also said that the relationship will not work that we should call it quit. Everything ended like that at the time when everything was cool and the dance was perfect.
After receiving this bad news my whole world stop and I could not do anything for myself, and the trauma that she left me and the pain that she convinced me not to go to Cyprus got me depressed so I had to put an end to everything. As a science student I knew the right place to get the most sensitive veins. I slit myself with a blade and I was lying in my bed so I can calmly bleed and die, only for my friend from fellowship came to call me for a blast. After knocking for sometimes he went round to my window and he saw me lying down bleeding. So the broke into my room to rescue me.
Now I have come to realize relationship and love are just a game of lies and deception, because if what we had was real how could she be that mean to me? Each time I remember what have done I look at myself with shame, but now I know better and have got a lot to live for.


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