- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf Husband don hard o- Funke Akindele is approaching 40... ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Monday 30 May 2016

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Husband don hard o- Funke Akindele is approaching 40...

The funny thing about women is that forget that age is not a good friend to them. But when they get a man, they act like he should worship them and bow at their feet because he is very replaceable. This
is what happened with Nigerian Actress Funke Akindele who has a failed marriage but can seem to find another serious guy after she left her last marriage.

Well Age is fast taking its toll on her as she is fast approaching 40 and yet to get a man. We wish her good luck. Before you tell me that she is with JJC , nobody has any authenticity to that relationship. It's still a rumor until proven valid.


  1. You need to get a life and free this lady! Marriage is not a do or die thing, it's not your call, God is still in the business of settling His own so allow Him do it at His time. Am sure you have numerous issues that need to be addressed, face them and free her. She is a work in progress, people get married and still live miserable life and some are single and making huge progress; we are different so free her.


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