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Tuesday 3 May 2016

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TeeBillz might be the Victim here..See things you did'nt notice about Tiwa's Interview

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While everybody almost bought the Tiwa Savage interview on TeeBillz issue, We took aa closer look and noticed some things that did not seem right to us. The interview might just be another method from Tiwa's camp to shut down TeeBillz totally. See some things you never saw.

1. The Questions seemed just too organized

During the interview, it seemed like the interviewer was asking Tiwa what she wanted to be asked. Everything seemed too organized and planned like a play or a movie.
It clearly seemed like the interviewer was trying to make the audience get so emotional. She literally held back no Punches and asked all the Difficult Questions, Questions you and I where dying to get Answers too. She didnt really seem to care about the other side of the story.

2. Her Narrative was too controlled in telling another side of the story

She totally made people hate TeeBillz and feel sorry for her.

3. The Tv Trick

Obviously Teebillz had won her in a flawless victory and using a Tv interview was a very smart move.

4. Too many revelations

She too open and said too many hurtful things about a man she claimed to love. What happened to having each other's back?

5. The Interview environment was planned


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