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Wednesday 4 May 2016

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Toyin Aimakhu says in new interview - 'I don't think I'll ever get married again'

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Toyin Aimakhu has been making headlines ever since her divorce and break up with the guy that she dated after the divorce. In a recent interview, the actress has revealed that she has no intention of ever getting married again. According to her, she said that she is scared of going through the psychological trauma she went through in her last relationship after her estranged husband cheated on her.Toyin went on to date another guy who was abusive. She broke up with him and she has been single ever since.

In an interview, she said:
"I don't think so because the truth is, I have trauma. I am even scared right now. All I need now is God and the holy spirit to help me because the truth is I'm still in trauma. I am scared. I don't think I can even love again. I am scared to love. I am over it but I can''t be healed. There is no point lying about it. There are some things you can't lie about. I hope I would be healed"
She made a previous comment that she could only marry a white man..When she was asked about this, she said it was a joke but that if she meets a really nice white man, she might change her mind and get married again.


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