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Wednesday 4 May 2016

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Leicester City's title win will fetch them about $220m

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Reports just surfaced that the new boys in the block are gonna make a huge sum of money with the title win. This year's premier league was thrilling and very exciting with a huge surprise of the boys that almost relegated last season, coming back to win the trophy this season. Leicester City's historical title win will fetch the club about 220million US Dollars.

Other goodies that come with the title win are that they will be   playing in the Champions League, new sponsorship and higher gate receipts due to their success.

According to the sports data company, Leicester city's mega cash will come from
— Potentially more than £90 million from winning the Premier League against £72 million when they came 14th last season. — They would get £33m just for appearing in the group stages of next season’s Champions League, with another £3m waiting in performance bonuses.

This is a historic victory that will remain in the history books till the end of time. This is the first time in premier league history that a team will come from relegation to win the league..Congrats to them


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