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Thursday 5 May 2016

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Very Pissed Omawunmi storms out of an interview after she was asked this question

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Our Very own Nigerian celebrity, Omawumi was very pissed during an Online TV- HfTV Africa interview when she was asked if she smokes and drinks. There has been rumors spreading for a while now that the delectable singer has a bad habit of smoking and drinking. Omawumi did not find this question funny as she stood up and walked out of the interviewer but this is what she said before walking out on her;

“I won’t honor you with a response, i feel like that is a teeth (sic) to my character“. “Have you seen me smoking before? So why will you say that? Now you see me as an artiste, i am contributing what i can, i make music the way as i should and i came here i honored your invitation, and then you sit there and ask me about me smoking and drinking to people that are listening and you are supposed to mean me well when these people are supposed to be the ones that buy my music. When you say that kind of thing, do you mean me well?”

Omawumi threw a question back at the interviewer by asking her if she has seen her smoking before. The lady replied her by saying No. Very Pissed Omawumi then onfronted her that why would she ask a question that she is not sure about before walking out.



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