- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf TeeBills might go to Jail for attempting suicide ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Monday 2 May 2016

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TeeBills might go to Jail for attempting suicide

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Latest reports have just surfacd that TeeBillz may be sentenced to jail for his suicide attempt.According to TheNet.ng, under the laws of the country, anyone caught attempting suicide is liable to face a year in prison.
Section 327 of the Nigerian Criminal Code states that “Any person who attempts to kill himself is guilty of a misdemeanour and liable to imprisonment for 1 year”.
TheNet.ng, who noted through a lawyer explained that no one has been convicted for attempted suicide. However, Teebillz might be on his way to become the first.
TheNet.ng. further noted that “such cases are usually handled by medical personnel who assess the mental state of the individual and try to offer treatment for depression and other mental disorders.”
Teebillz was reported to be likely to get a pardon for his alleged use of cocaine.


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