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Monday, 2 May 2016

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Khloe Kadarshian Evicts Lemar Odom's father from LA home

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Lemar Odom's father is definitely not pleased with Khloe Kardashian after he got evicted with his wife from their LA home . The eviction was due to the fact that Khloe refused for her husband to renew his father's rent which he has been paying for the past ten years.

Father to Khloé Kardashian‘s Ex, Lamar Odom was evicted from his LA home and forced to move back to Brooklyn after the reality TV star refused to keep paying his rent, he tells The NY Post.
“Khloé didn’t even have the guts to tell me herself that my rent wasn’t going to be paid anymore,” Joe Odom, 62, said. “She got the guys who handle Lamar’s money to call me and they said the rent wouldn’t be paid, I gotta move and my phone was going to get cut off.”
The former NBA star had paid his disabled father’s $4,000 rent for 10 years when Kardashian kicked the Army vet and his wife, Cecelia, 59, to the curb last November.
He said that Khloe has no respect for him and finally decided to kick him out of his LA home while Lemar Odom was in the hospital in Nevada.He further claimed that Khloe is trying her best to make sure that she cuts him out of his son's life. He said
“Whenever I call him, she answers. She must be checking his texts, too. I can’t always get through to him anymore,” he said.
“She may be Lamar’s wife, but I’m his father. She shouldn’t have cut me out of his life like she has.”


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