- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf “”I Wanted To Slap Myself After My Insensitive Post On Tiwa Savage Yesterday” – Daddy Freeze. ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Sunday 1 May 2016

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“”I Wanted To Slap Myself After My Insensitive Post On Tiwa Savage Yesterday” – Daddy Freeze.

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Daddy Freeze posted a very insensitive post on Tiwa Savage's Issue yesterday. He made another post today that he now sees things differently after he spoke with Tiwa Savage on the phone..Here is his statement below

I got off the phone with @tiwasavage last night and I felt deflated. I went to bed immediately after, but sleep was far from me. I tossed and turned all night without successfully getting one wink of sleep. The 45 minutes I spoke to her haunted me, and our conversation replayed itself over and over again.
She was so polite, a well brought up Yoruba lady who was visibly hurt, but not for once was she rude to me. Our conversation was mostly in Yoruba and I couldn’t help but notice that despite the fact that she wasn’t happy with my previous post, she still addressed me with the ‘e’ the Yoruba tribe employ, when speaking to older people. Her tone was calm and she passed her message across to me with the utmost courtesy, showcasing her pristine upbringing. I sensed pain in her voice and it was that pain that kept me up. Tiwa is a good woman, a strong woman. I could see that she still cared about TJ when she asked if I had spoken to him.
I’m going to be 40 in a few days, and if there is anything I give myself credit for, it’s the fact that I am a good judge of character. What I felt when speaking to her was genuine. I wanted to slap myself for being bit insensitive in my last post but, I guess it’s too late for regrets now, it’s gone along with her interview and his posts, into the unforgiving archives of the Internet, never to be forgotten. As I started my drive towards @coolfmlagos this morning to preach on the gospel show #PraiseJam where I will be speaking till 11am, it occurred to me that we all have to stop blaming either party and focus on praying for both of them. T billz and Tiwa are both at a fragile state, and it is so unfortunate that this matter has been brought before a fanged public ready to tear us all up for their amusement. Like @official2baba said, don’t make jokes about a serious matter, instead, remember them in your prayers. I love you Tiwa, I love you Billz, there is a light at the end of this tunnel, GOD is your strength and he will see you through this!


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