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I struggled hard, I was not a popular kid in high school like my sister- KHLOE KARDASHIAN

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Popular Reality Tv star and Sister to the popular Kim Kardashian has revealed that it was not easy for her being the sister of a hottie like Kim in high school. Khloe who is now a very hot girl revealed that she was not always very hot as a young kid 

She said-

Though school got easier, it was hard being in the shadow of Kim and Kourtney. ‘While I loved having my built-in group with Kim and Kourtney, it was hard for me at times,’ she confessed.They may have already graduated when I got to school, but I remember that teachers would always exclaim, “You’re THEIR sister?” I didn’t have my own identity and was compared to them. Kim and Kourtney were so popular.’..I didn’t care about being popular in school, and was nice to everyone. If you were a loner I was like, “Come and sit with me!”‘ she said.
I really loved to write, so English class was my favorite, but there was one teacher who had it out for me and almost crushed my love of writing.

‘This teacher would consistently give me C’s or D’s on my papers.
‘I wanted to know what I was doing wrong because I cared about my writing, but she wouldn’t help me or give me constructive criticism.
‘My dad read my papers and felt the grades weren’t justified so, as a test, he wrote one of my papers and I turned it in. The teacher still gave me a D!’
She added: ‘My dad pulled me out of the class. I also loved theology—I think religions and how it intersects with culture and history is fascinating. I love learning, but don’t give me a test, LOL! I didn’t get A’s and B’s, but I enjoyed that stuff.’

‘My education didn’t follow a traditional trajectory, but I’m thankful for my parents who listened and supported me when I was having trouble. I know you’ve been curious about this (it’s one of the top questions Googled about me, apparently), so here are the ABCs of my education!’
‘I went to Marymount in ninth grade, while Kourt and Kim were there, but after they left, I felt like I had no one to be with,’ she said.
‘I struggled really hard in school, so I took myself out of Marymount and forged my parents’ names to enroll in Alexandria Academy. My dad was livid when he found out, and I was so scared, I was shaking.
‘He told me, “I’m so pissed, but the fact that you put so much effort into all of this … I’m going to let you do this. But you have to keep a certain GPA.” Alexandria Academy is not at-home, you go to a school, and there are tutors that give you individual attention. I needed that. I really did not know one person there. I knew college wasn’t for me, and I graduated from Alexandria with honors—which I never would’ve done in a traditional school.’


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