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Wednesday 15 June 2016

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WICKEDNESS-Woman docked for rubbing pepper on nephew's private part, eyes


A 34 year old woman has been arrested and arraigned before the court of law in Lagos state, Nigeria. This woman was charged for a very wicked and abominable act. Idayaz Rasak was charged of the
intention to cause grievous harm.This woman tortured her 11 year old nephew by rubbing fresh pepper on his eyes and also rubbing it on his private part.

Information gathered revealed that this wicked woman who resides in  Mafoluku area of Lagos state forced her 11 year old nephew that lives with her to stoop on a hot stove and den she rubbed pepper on his eyes and private part. This incident took place on the 4th of June.

The accused pleaded not guilty and was granted bail by the judge as the case was adjourned to June 25th.


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