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Thursday 2 June 2016

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Sir Shina Peters Reportedly Dumps Cancer Survivor Wife Sammie for a new woman

celeb news

New reports claim Sir Shina Peters has left his wife Sammie Peters. The veteran musician is said to have taken a new wife, Olajumoke Olayinka Peters.
According to Capital NG, Sammie who recently returned to Nigeria following a battle with cancer is heartbroken, while Famous People reports in detail, how the Afrojuju singer met and allegedly married the new Woman.
According to Famous People:
“Sources told us that the musician has been moving from one party to another party, painting the town red with his new wife.
They were spotted at Demola Oniru’s birthday party recently whispering sweet nonsense into each other ears. Meanwhile, the musician has abandoned his wife who had gone through thick and thin with him and battling cancer. Family members of Sammie are so bitter with the musician.”
On January 7, Sammie returned to the country four days before her 56th birthday after undergoing almost two years of cancer treatment in the United States.


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