- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf Female Wizkid Impersonator Arrested For Defrauding People Of Over N10 Million ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Wednesday 1 June 2016

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Female Wizkid Impersonator Arrested For Defrauding People Of Over N10 Million

celeb news
Wizkid was called out yesterday by an show promoting agency in London. They accused him of collecting money from them and refusing to show up and perform at the show in the UK.
Wizkid's manager quickly called them out and told them that there was no show that Wizkid was
supposed to perform at the date they have claimed that the superstar was supposed to perform.
It was later revealed that impersonator is a young 19yr old girl. It was said that she she defrauded many people of their money including students of the University of Lagos, UNILAG. 
Reports later surfaced that the young girl has been arrested and is now in police custody. It was said that she confessed that she has duped two people recently.
The police stated that the girl had collected $49000 and $12000 respectively from two different people which she defrauded. Her secret was however leaked when Wizkid made a complaint to the commissioner of police who swiftly reacted to the case and arrested the criminal.
The police said that :
“A lady was arrested for posing as Wizkid and duping two people outside Nigeria. Members of the public should be very careful of sending money to people they meet online. The lady collected money from people in the United States and they thought they were paying money to Wizkid to come and perform. They did not know they were dealing with fraudsters. Nigerians should warn friends and relatives overseas to be careful in sending money to anyone, especially someone they did not know or have not seen.”
She is still in the custody of the police.


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