- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf BREAKING NEWS- 86-yr-old woman recalls how Ikorodu serial rapist assaulted her to a state of coma ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Tuesday 14 June 2016

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BREAKING NEWS- 86-yr-old woman recalls how Ikorodu serial rapist assaulted her to a state of coma


An 86 old woman recalled her story of how she was raped to the state of coma by a wicked abuser.Madam Belawu Jimoh sadly told pulse.ng how she was raped by a rapist popularly known as
Badoo. This sad incident happened on the 5th of June just before this same rapist raped and killed a teacher in her home.

According to her, she said:
"I was sleeping when the man entered my room through the backyard at about 1am. He had a knife with him and threatened to kill me if I did not cooperate with him.

I could have shouted, but he threatened to kill me and so I kept quiet. In the process, he chopped off my nose and took me outside where he raped me.

I was conscious initially, but became unconscious after losing much blood. I did not know what transpired thereafter, but I woke up in the hospital where my son later told me I lost my nose to an attack.

The attack has affected my health as I still have bruises on my legs. My health is no longer as it used to be. But I have found solace in God."
The rapist was sighted in the community and could have been lynched to death if not for the traditional ruler that asked them to hand him over to the police. He was handed over to the police.


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