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Wednesday 1 June 2016

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Lynxxx-“Why I Became Born Again”

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Nigerian superstar rapper Lynxxx, has thrilled us with good tunes over the years and we have danced to his tunes in the club. But Lynxxx has said that his songs will no longer be played in clubs but in churches as he has switched in gospel rap. His sudden change came as a shock to many people but in
my own opinion, I think that he has made a very good decision to serve GOD. In a recent interview with Jola Sotubo, Lynxxx opened up about his sudden change, new music and new lifestyle. He said:

 “I just became more spiritual, I just decided to focus on the more important things in life over the frivolous and fleeting things, “I’m in a space where if it doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter, because at the end of the day we’re all getting older, and life is moving for everybody. Whether I’m a musician or not, real life is happening.
“It’s only right to take that step…I’ve played enough in my life, I’ve enjoyed enough in my life, I’ve done the wrong things enough in my life so it’s time to really focus on the things that matter, things that will grow you and prosper you rather than things that will eventually bring you down.” he added.
Watch the interview below


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