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Saturday 30 April 2016

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Tiwa Savage Reveals more details on Marriage crash

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More and more shocking details keeps coming out on the current saga in the Nigerian entertainment industry between Tiwa Savage and her husband Teebillz.She said that he only thinks about himself and that he does not care about her. She went further to say that he was never there for her when she was pregnant and when she had a mis-carriage. See what she said below

“Just before I went to Jamaica, I found out that I was pregnant. We were just trying to find out how we were going to manage another baby so soon. I got to London, on a 10-hour flight to shoot a video with Busy Signal (Reggae Artiste).
While doing my makeup, I found out I was bleeding and I passed out. I was rushed to the hospital, and we were trying to call TJ to tell him what happened. While we were sleeping at two AM a number called him saved as Edible Catering….I checked his phone, and the number was asking him if she can come to his hotel. She responded that He (TJ) knocked her out last night, that he was a great night.
I confronted him, and he said he took another woman to the hotel and said they were just chilling. This happened the period I was in Jamaica, and I was in the hospital. I sent TJ pictures, and he was busy with another woman. I was in a hospital and you couldn’t be bothered find out what happened to me.


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