- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf Tiwa Savage Reveals- “Before Marriage, I Didn’t know of TeeBillz 3rd child” ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Saturday 30 April 2016

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Tiwa Savage Reveals- “Before Marriage, I Didn’t know of TeeBillz 3rd child”

celeb news lifestyle trending

Tiwa is still saying alot about her failed marriage and we are bringing you all the gist as it comes. According to her, she did not know that Teebillz had a third kid before they got married. She sounded really hurt and betrayed as she spoke. Read her statement below

“Before marriage, I didn’t know of his third child in Nigeria. A lot of people warned me about him, but I am going to say I made a mistake. At the beginning everyone says you can’t leave the marriage because our culture frowns on it. I made a mistake, do I have to wait ten years, 15 years?
If I am not happy. And I was scared that if I ever find somebody else to marry me? That’s the misconceptions of our society. I don’t care if I ever get married again. I care about being happy for Jamil, I care about not walking on eggshells.


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