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Friday 29 April 2016

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KCee bags COHMAL awards

celeb news

Kcee has now become a household name in the Nigerian music industry and it seems we are the only ones that has noticed it. Well, there is a saying that " HONOR IS GIVEN TO WHO DESERVES IT" and Kcee deserved it as he has been honoured as a Hit Maker in the 3rd edition of Celebration of Hit makers and Legends (COHMAL).

The  event will be hosted in Class and style at The Baylounge Waterfront, Lekki phase 1 on the 29th of April 2016 by Nigeria’s finest music band, Sharpbandallstars. The Red Carpet will start at 7pm and the show kicks off at 8pm. It is going to be a very interesting show

Speaking on KCee as COHMAL Hit Maker for the month of April 2016, the organizer of the event and CEO Sharpbandallstars, AnesiIvharue said that KCee has was selected based on his proven track record in making trend setting music that translates into popular culture with great music videos. he said: 

Obviously, KCee is a pioneer in Africa’s contemporary hip-hop. He has mastered his art and his every work reflects that signature chorography, sound and intense energy. I still see him very much relevant in the next ten to fifteen years and that’s the kind of pedigree you need to become a legend,” he says.


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