- See more at: http://labstrikes.blogspot.com.ng/2014/12/divide-blog-post-into-pages.html#sthash.8hpLHWXu.dpuf Banky W Tries To Rescue TeeBillz Meltdown ~ THE CELEBRITY DIARY

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Thursday 28 April 2016

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Banky W Tries To Rescue TeeBillz Meltdown


As the issue continues to heat up between Teebillz and his wife, Banky W decided to step into the issue and tried to calm him down. From the post made by Banky, we can see that he has called Teebillz severally but it seems that the young man did not pick his calls. Banky was the best man at their wedding so i guess that he has a close relationship with Teebillz.


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